Saturday, December 27, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS from China.....part 2

In preparation for our Christmas Dinner Jami learned how to make Lotus cakes, which are delicious, spring rolls and Chinese sausage balls with our new friend Qun (Chew-in). 
Jami and Qun making some Christmas dinner...Lotus Cakes and Chinese meatballs

After our Christmas Eve day activities with the Kindergarten School the Heamaster, Evan and Gabriella took us out to Christmas Eve Lunch. All the food was excellent. 
Christmas eve lunch with Bree (Teaching assistant who speaks English very well) and Evan (headmaster of Ideal Kindergarten school)

Yummy food!

After our evening classes we met up with 5 other foreign teachers, Sean and Julie (From Alabama), Bryan and Julianna (From Minnesota) and James (from Scotland). On the way home from classes we stopped by one the fruit stands we frequent and they had Santa playing the Sax with their dog all dressed up wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and giving out Apples!
Ev, Santa and Santa's Dog

We had a great dinner that Jami learned to cook from Qun, we watched It’s a Wonderful Life, read Luke 2 and did a Christmas Eve gift opening. It was a late night! I think we went to bed just in time….Santa didn’t pass us by here in China.
We are all smiles and enjoying the RICE CRISPY TREATS for desert! Nothing like an American treat to make mouths happy.

Cozying up to It's a Wonderful Life! Classic good movie for Christmas!
Ev made a new buddy, Trouble, and fell asleep.

On Christmas Day we had a good time opening presents and WeChating families (or trying). We played games and had fun with our friends that stayed the night and we then met up with all the other foreign teachers for a Buffet dinner that Bruce treated us to.
Getting ready to open the stash from Santa!

Everest got a paint set
Ethan and his molding clay

Elijah with his voice recorder
Opening presents and WeChatting with my parents at same time! Isn't technology grand!

Challenge accepted! A new Rubix's a 2 x whateveryousee
Ethan is all smiles!

Forgot to put this up...this was from Christmas eve morning before heading to school.
This is best picture of it....but we got some squeals of joy from the little ones that morning while Santa walked to school. Santa had to stop and say Hi.
Dinner at the Buffet with the other foreigners

Group picture with the waiting staff and I think some complete strangers that were just eating there as well.

 We had Friday off so we took it easy that day and walked around and visited some of the Christmas decorations out and hit a fan favorite……Starbucks and got some Hot Chocolate! YUMMMMMM!
Display outside mall
Another display outside another mall, very festive

What a treat!

Loving some family time!
Hitting the spot

We sure hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and that you will have a great New Years Celebration!  This will be one of two for us this year….We get to celebrate the Chinese New Year which is on Feb 19th 2015.
This is some of the lights of Huai'an with the Grand Canal. We love the city and this time of year!

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