Sunday, January 25, 2015

Bath and Birthday bash!

It was a fast week. I am a little late posting the Blog this week. We have had issues connecting to our VPN. Maybe China figured us out! or maybe not. We got some disappointing news. We won't be able to go to Lhasa Tibet next month like we had hoped. They close the boarders every year for the month of March and this year we would've had to had our trip finished by the 10th of February. That was not going to be possible. As the saying goes "When life gives you lemons...make Lemonade!" We are now planning to go end of June or beginning of July and spend more time and visit EBC (Everest Base Camp)!

We had some wonderful Spring Like weather and were able to get out and set out to a new part of town. We found a nice park after walking about 5 miles and took a break in the sun.
Taking a nice relaxing break after a good walk.

We hit the public showers again and it was great. Instead of the basic scrub Jami and I both got the full service scrub. It includes a scalp and head message(for the girls) and a salt and milk scrub. Jami was in heaven! She made some new friends. They were cute girls and gave Jami a bouncy ball so that she would not forget them.
Jami's new friends from the public shower, Julia and Alice.

I am enjoying my Friday Morning Classes at the Disney Kindergarten. The kids are all cute and we mainly just sing and dance.
One of the 5 or 6 classes I teach on Friday Mornings.
Nothing else really went on..... EXCEPT...JAMI'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was a pretty low key celebration. We had to work all day Saturday (5 hours). After that we went to Jami's favorite Muslim Noodle place for dinner and then her and I went and got our feet messaged with the back included and cupping. The Boys spoiled their mom with very thoughtful gifts and a spick and span house. On Sunday we had a Birthday Party/Farewell get together. Lucy and Rick are going back to England next month. Their contract is over. We wish them the best! They are great people and we are privileged to call them our friends.
Elijah playing a musical number for Jami's B Day

Ethan and Ev's gifts to Jami.

Jami and her boys!

Sean, Julie, Jami and the Boys, Lucy.

A Good Looking B-Day cake!
Through the weeks here there is always something or someone bringing a smile to our in point....
Tony and Luke with their new doo's! Before they were just straight flat hair. Nothing like a boy with a Perm!

Also, at the end of the week this is sometimes how we feel...
Zach is wiped out after a long busy week.
Till next next week enjoy the read below.

Jami's Corner--
I love early mornings. Nothing makes me happier or more energized than an early morning walk on a beautiful day. One of the perks of my job is that I get to walk about a mile to the bus stop almost every morning. I step outside in the brisk morning air, fill my lungs and begin my day. I look forward to the sweet children I get to spend my morning with.
As I walk, with a little hop in my step, I start to see the city come alive. I nod my head and say “Ni hao” to the gate attendants. I smile at the “fruit lady” as she opens her shop. I wave back emphatically at the old woman city worker who greets me every morning with a huge smile and enthusiastic wave. Though we have never said words that either of us understand I miss her greetings on the mornings she’s not there.
Everywhere people are eating breakfast and buzzing on their ebikes to schools, all over the city, dropping off children, going to work. I love the busyness of the morning. I love that I am an observer, an anonymous bystander in all the hubbub of daily life here.
Here I am observing a beautifully svelte Chinese woman. She’s dressed in a beautifully tailored pant suit. Her makeup is delicately applied. She’s….She’s…What?! What just happened? No, I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it.  Did she just do what I thought she did?
My husband is a hunter. He and a group of men have gone out yearly to “bring home the bacon” as it were. I have been invited several times but have declined for several reasons. My disdain for trudging through snow for miles and miles and hours and hours is only one reason. The other is that…well that’s a man’s territory. And for good reason.  Have you ever heard the phrase “Farmer Blow”?
The Urban Dictionary explains it thus: “The process of plugging one nostril, and blowing air out of the other, in order to shoot out mucus. In order to make this technique successful, you must use great force, otherwise you will just look retarded when you have one nostril covered and are breathing heavily in front of your friends. But if you get that dang snot out of will be known as a stud. Done when no handkerchief or tissue paper is handy. Done outdoors.”
This, my dear friends and readers, is the atrocity I saw this beautiful woman commit. This would be enough but this is not an isolated incident. Nay! This is a cultural norm. This is common practice. Elderly women and men all the way down to less experienced youth. I’m not sure what I’d do if I was walking, arm in arm, with Jared down the street when all of a sudden he…he…well, you know! Am I alone in this?
So now, on my beautiful morning walks where I greet the day and people, when I see hands go to the face with a big inhale I know to look up, breathe deeply and go to my happy place. I still love my morning walks but now I precede with a bit of caution.

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